Registering for Self-Assessment

September 12, 2022 9:33 am Published by

Registering for Self-Assessment

Do I need to register for Self-Assessment?

You must register for Self-Assessment and file a return if, in the last tax year (6 April to 5 April), you were:

  • self-employed as a ‘sole trader’ and earned more than £1,000 (before taking off anything you can claim tax relief on)
  • a partner in a business partnership


When do I need to register by?

You must register for Self-Assessment by the 5th of October after the end of the tax year for which you are required to file a tax return.

There are different ways to register for Self-Assessment if you are

  • Self-employed
  • Not self employed
  • Registering a partner or partnership

What information do I need to register?

If you’re self-employed or soon planning to become a sole trader, you can register online. You’ll be told to input your:

National Insurance number, full name, current address (and when you moved there).

Gender, DOB, email address, phone number

And whether you’ve registered previously for Self-Assessment.

Once you’ve done this and created your account, HMRC will issue you with a letter confirming your registration for the Self-Assessment tax return which will have your UTR (Unique Taxpayer reference) number. You will need to keep this information safe as this will be needed to file your self-assessment return.

How Spectrum can help you

If all of this is too overwhelming for you, Spectrum can register for Self-Assessment for you, and complete your return.

We understand that you may be very busy and not have the time to register for self-assessment when you need to. So, we can take that weight off of your shoulders and register for self-assessment for you and then complete your return on your behalf.

Please get in touch if you need help registering for self assessment on 01179 902218 or email us on to get started with Spectrum to complete your self-assessment registration and complete your return for you.

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This post was written by Daisy Vowles

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